Antidepressants are fake
What's up the dog doing, guys. It's me your favorite zoomer memer epic lulz xDDD. I'm so random ROFL. LMAO even. LOL if youre so inclined. I'm such a funny.
Why hasnt the economy crash? Why are there only unfunny memes? Shitty seasonal anime with over 50 overused storylines? Has the 7 Trumpets been sound? Why are the inferior homosapien subspecies namely referred to as """females""" still exist? I do not know the answer to these but what I do know is that I have stopped playing Gaining In Pack and I am free from the oppressive Chinese clutches.
Enough gaggingloli, let us discuss the most important matter as of now. Antidepressants. According to a very reliable source called "science" these shitty candies supposedly turns off the suicidal urge to reenact the death of Adolf Shitler. I thought this sounded too good to be true so I decided to roleplay as an average transfaggot twitter user to the psychotic rapist and he was stupid enough to give me antidepressants enough for a few months.
I decided to down them all in one go with my favorite uncle, Jack Daniel, and see how unsad I can become. I also accidentally sniffed a few lines of happiness flour. It made me feel more schizophrenic and less normal and more wanting to die and I saw the faces of the primarch angels holy fucking shit. I heard voices speaking in an ancient languages telling me how much of a fucking virgin I am. It was not a good trip. It was all a lie. Antidepressants does not make you unsad, it will ascend you to Heaven and show you the untold horror of it. The endless chanting of His name, the endless whiteness surrounding the horizon, the endless majestic architecture constantly sending chills down my gay spine, everything was not heavenly at all.
So I did what all cute lolis from a shitty moe anime do, I disposed of it and I cried myself to sleep like a fucking faggot who has been a transfaggot for a month and holy fuck I want to fucking die. Antidepressants are nothing more than just a way for people to look cool and show off how much of a "menhera" they are. If you want to be unsad just stick to McAlcohol and drink away all your worries.
The masculine urge to correct a female no matter what they do. Genshin Impact was a mistake, so is everything else that I don't like. Do you like anime? Me too. I wish I can rape all the cute girls in my favorite anime. Sex with Lacuck. I bet she smells like old men's jizz and unwashed bed sheets.