anime Super Secluded Bar For The Super Ordinary Protagonists! - Prologue I thought working at a bar is just a small walk in a park. One that would let me laze around most of the time while looking like a classy extravagante (I dont know if that's even a real word lol). " what you're saying
serious How to express your dissatisfaction - The purely educational way Hey faggy. Valentines Day is fucking overrated. Instead of celebrating sex, why don't I teach you how to become Walter White except youre not making methimathic and also youre a black nigger faggot. Were you recently rejected by the girl you simp? Is there a test tomorrow that
anime [NSFW] Sexually harassing unhinged Magical Girls So it's fine for girls to grope the chests of their friends and make out with them like FUCK but if a guy does it, they are automatically labeled as a seggs offender??? So much for equality smh. I tried casually slapping the tits of a female friend
shitposts Bocchi the Autistic Cumslurper Did you know minors are the easiest to manipulate into consented secks? Just spam compliments on everything they do and they'll spread their puberting legs for your COCK to ram and cum to stain. They havent experience gaslighting and manipulation too, so make that and your wrinkled cock
anime Amelia Watson is my fucking wife I FUCKING LOVE AME PLEASE JESUS FUCKING CHRIST Hi Been a year and a shitton of shitstorm shitted in my shitlife. Howeverstve, I am here to talk about humanity's greatest invention. Motherfucking AI. I am a slave to our AI overlord and I welcome the Singularity with open pants because artificial pussy is even better than
anime >Watching Kamen Rider as an adult I have been playing a bit too much FGO and GBF these days and I havent gone outside for a very long time and Ive been eating nothing but cocks I mean cocaine and instant ramen once a day and Im starting to lose mY FUKGING MIND AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ALL MY
shitposts My Hero Academy fucking sucks There are a few number of times where I tried committing suicide and the successful times are equal to the amount of kisses I have gotten. There's one with my mom but that doesnt count because it was not on my lips. What this means is that I&
anime Kitagawa Marin more like Kitagawa Cringe Note: I haven't and will never watch this anime. Kitagawa Marin is an anime about a normalfag slut whore bitch who got into the otaku culture after she lusts for 2D seggs anime visual novels. The anime reminds me of anime club cringe compilation except more lewd and
serious What is Otaku Segs Club I Think I have no idea. I didn't make this. But now i realize it is the inner thoughts of my demons, at least. 3d pigs are whores and disgusting, yet we crave them. 2d is beautiful and amazing and clean and I love them for like 200 years now,
anime Featured Yahallo~! Welcome to Otaku Segs Club! Where we rant and shitposts about society! Sometimes I will post some serious stuff about video games and anime maybe. We hope that you will enjoy (lol) your stay and relate! Everything posted here are just for entertainment purpose only! They're not serious